Friday, March 13, 2009

I know....right?!?

So, my family came to visit me in good 'ol St. Geezy, and it was a marvelous time!! We picknicked, and karaoked, and it was pretty much amazing. So for one of the joyous activities that we participated in, I had my friend STK take our family pictures.... let me regress for one moment. Family pictures have always been somewhat of a trial for our family. There has yet to be a good one. One reason for this occurence is that my father (though we love him) DETESTS picture taking. Nobody really knows why because he's actually very photogenic. Anyway, during my youth anytime we went to go get our pictures taken somebody would inevitably end up in tears. Therefore, and henceforth I am proud to present a FEW of the FABULOUS pictures that my good friend Stook took. :) Also, here is a holler out to STK, not only did he take them for FREE but he had them edited and ready to go in less than 24 hours.... I'm not sure if i've ever mentioned it, but I really do have the best friends. I hope that all of you, everybody all of my family and cousins someday end up with the same kind of friends I've been blessed enough to have. Anyway. I had a marvelous time with my family....everybody tells me they are cute and fabulous. My oh-so humble response to those sorts of statements is: "I know...RIGHT?!?" mwah! love to all!


Zane and Cami said...

You have one of the most fabulous families ever! These pictures are so perfect-I am still amazed at how old your younger sisters look though...crazy!!! You better freeze them in a large ice cube while you are gone because I don't know if you will recognize them by the time you get home :)

Stephanie Crandall said...

No worries Steph ;) Our family is the same way... someone always ended up in tears! Luckily things have gotten better~ Your family is adorable!~!!